Operation Clean Sweep Runs April 24 - May 2. Cars must be off-street on your night of sweeping.

Visit Clean Sweep for more details.

Water Resources

Connection Requirements

Burlington Water Resources has specific requirements and policies that must be followed in order to have an active service connection to our distribution system.  We reserve the right to deny service and/or assess fines to properties that do not comply.  If the information below does not answer your specific connection question, please contact Water Resources via email or by calling (802)863-4501.

Ordinances & Standards

Make A Request

Water Resources now has nearly all of our required review applications in the OpenGov platform.  To create an account and get started in OpenGov, visit: burlingtonvt.viewpointcloud.com 

Already set up in OpenGov?  You can skip right to the Water reviews by clicking here: Water Resources Reviews