DPW will be closed on Labor Day (9/2). City parking is FREE. Recycling will NOT be collected.

For recycling options, and ways to reach us while we're away visit burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/after-hours

 Construction and downtown detour info: Visit our construction portal

Water Resources

Clean Water Resiliency Plan

The Clean Water Resiliency Plan advances 7 key areas to upgrade and modernize our wastewater and stormwater systems. In November 2018, Burlington voters passed the Plan by over 90% allowing us to move forward on this once in a generation investment. We will be upgrading wastewater treatment plants, rehabilitating miles of sewer and stormlines and building green infrastructure to slow storm flows and filter out pollutants. Every generation of Burlingtonians has made a substantial investment into protecting the Lake. This Plan continues that proud tradition. Read more on the plan's background and our current suite of projects below.