What's happening on East Ave? Visit https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/transportation/eastave for info.

Construction and downtown detour info: Visit our construction portal

Department of Public Works

Traffic Calming

Burlington streets are the cornerstone of safe neighborhoods. They are our routes home, to work, and to school. Each neighborhood and street is unique, but share a common need for traffic that is slower by design rather than through enforcement. 


What is traffic calming?

Traffic calming is the addition of roadway features (bump outs, speed humps, chicanes, lane striping, etc) to reduce vehicle speeds or the amount of vehicles on a particular road or a particular area. The goals of traffic calming are to improve the quality of life within a residential or commercial area, increase the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, and reduce automobile speeds. 


What is the traffic calming process?

1. Contact DPW about traffic concerns on your street via SeeClickFix or email

2. DPW will collect traffic data if needed (April - October). DPW will review crash history and traffic data to assess speed conditions and identify the percent of heavy truck traffic. 

3. If data exceeds the thresholds from the Traffic Calming Manual (available below), DPW will determine your street's place in the queue and develop a traffic calming improvement plan based on the context of your streets. The improvement plan will be shared with the neighborhood but will not require a neighborhood vote. 

4. If data does not meet the thresholds for traffic calming, resources will be provided for neighborhood enhancements to pursue separately. 


How will streets be prioritized?

Traffic calming will prioritize safety first based on:

#1: streets with 85th percentile speeds exceeding the speed limit or slow zone target speed by more than 5 mph; or with a fatal crash or crash involving a person walking or biking within the last 5 years.

#2: construction activity that should be coordinated with other projects.

#3: streets with no traffic calming. 

#4: streets with traffic calming. 

#5: streets that have had traffic calming installed within the last 5 years.

View the 2020 Traffic Calming Manual

Current Traffic Calming Projects

Ethan Allen Parkway

Current Status: project initiation / concept design

Visit the project website: https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/transportation/eap2024

East Avenue

Visit the project website: https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/transportation/eastave

Scarff Ave

Current Status: design complete, construction planned for 2024

View slides from the January 18, 2022 neighborhood meeting

    Recently Completed Traffic Calming Projects

    Birchcliff Parkway

    Current Status: installation completed 2023

    Rose Street

    Current Status: design completed, installation completed in Summer 2023

    March 29, 2023 In-Person/Virtual Meeting

    O.N.E. Community Center at 6 pm, and online via Zoom

    Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/98493244985?pwd=RTlUM3liYXFCNW5BVnMyYVZ0UmNDZz09

    Meeting ID: 984 9324 4985

    Passcode: 495227

    View the informational flier.

    View the slides presented during the meeting.

    Review the meeting notes

    Chase Street

    Current Status: design complete. installation completed Fall 2023

    Bright Street

    Current Status: design completes, construction completed in Spring 2022


    Interested in traffic calming on your street?

    Contact DPW via See Click Fix or Customer Service at 863-9094 or email