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Water Resources

July 12 Winooski River Sewer Break: CONSERVATION REQUEST FOR NNE

See map below or click through to input your address to determine if you are in the priority conservation area. 

UPDATE 7/28: Our temporary bypass sewer handled its first test well, as designed, with yesterday's rains. We still would like to strongly encourage conservation during peak hours from 6-8AM and 6-8PM, along with during any intense rainfall, until the permanent sewer is repaired or replaced. Please limit what goes down drains or toilets during these times if you happen to live in the conservation area (see map at



Because both of the pumping options are volume & flow rate constrained (the truck hauling more so than the bypass pumping) it is important that customers reduce the amount of water/waste that goes down the drain systems or toilets until future notice (likely at least 2 weeks), especially during peak usage hours (6 – 8 am, and 6 – 8 pm). 

This is extremely important for users who are in the area that flows to the river crossing (see  map above). This includes but is not limited to: 

  1. Limit toilet flushing, when possible. 

  1. Running dishwashers and washers only with full loads. 

  1. Taking short showers and limiting bath tub use. 

  1. Turn off faucet when brushing teeth or washing hands. 

  1. Disconnecting sump pumps from discharging to the sewer system and running the discharge pipe onto your lawn (this is a best practice always) 

As this conservation notice is driven by limitations on the wastewater system and NOT the water system, using City water for irrigation or other activities which involve water soaking into the ground is acceptable. 

Contact Us:

Please email with less urgent questions (expect a reply within 1 business day) or call 802-863-4501 for urgent questions.