
REIB Domains


The REIB engages and addresses the ‘Domains of Inequality’,


  • REIB evaluates five domains: Economy, Health, Social and Human Development, Physical Environment, and Community and Belonging. 

  • Each domain focuses on specific areas of life where racial disparities can be observed. 


How the Domains of Inequality Relate to Racism and Community Impacts: 

  • Economy: This domain looks at disparities in employment, income, access to capital, business ownership, and more. It aims to address systemic racial inequality in economic opportunities. 

  • Health: Recognizing racism as a public health crisis, this domain evaluates disparities in health outcomes, access to healthcare, and cultural competency in healthcare settings. 

  • Social and Human Development: This domain addresses inequities in education, recreation, family development, and professional development. It aims to improve educational outcomes and access to opportunities. 

  • Physical Environment: This domain focuses on housing, neighborhood development, public infrastructure, and land use to ensure equitable access to amenities and living conditions. 

  • Community and Belonging: This domain addresses systemic inequities in public safety, civic engagement, and representation in power structures. It aims to create a sense of belonging and equity in these areas.