DPW will be closed on Labor Day (9/2). City parking is FREE. Recycling will NOT be collected.

For recycling options, and ways to reach us while we're away visit burlingtonvt.gov/dpw/after-hours

 Construction and downtown detour info: Visit our construction portal

Department of Public Works

Safety and Regulations

The City of Burlington launched its first pedestrian and bicycle safety campaign in 2006. Mayor Bob Kiss noted, "Improving pedestrian and bicycle safety is a key to making Burlington a more livable city for everyone, including children and seniors." Since that early campaign, the city partnered with several other local organizations to launch the Safe Streets Collaborative, whose shared goal is to reduce crashes and injuries for people on foot and on bike through a culture of respect and a role for everyone -- cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists alike -- in making our roadways safer.

In a concerted effort to get more children safely walking and biking to school more often, the City collaborates with local leaders and participating schools in Vermont's Safe Routes To School initiative. Safe Routes To School increases students' health, decreases congestion and air pollution around schools, and improves traffic safety. 

PSAs, print media, and examples of Burlington's safety campaigns (UNDER DEVELOPMENT):