NPA Request Form

Thank you for your interest in the City of Burlington's Neighborhood Planning Assemblies! We want to know more about your plans and goals for your time with us. In that spirit, thank you for providing the following information. Please feel free to attach additional information that you think would be helpful. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

*Please complete this form 2-4 weeks before you'd like to present*


To see the map of the NPAs by location, Click Here.

You can find upcoming NPA dates Here on CivicClerk.


If you selected other, please provide additional info in the comments box at the bottom of this form.

Distribution of Materials

If you plan to distribute materials at your meeting, please send electronic copies of materials you plan to distribute to the NPA Steering Committee contact at least a week before the meeting

If you are requesting NPA Review of a Proposed Development Project 

Developers whose project meets the threshold for "Major Impact Review" must seek NPA review of their proposed project as part of the City's project review process. 

Please present the following information with this request: 

a. Project description (number of units, number of parking spaces, etc.
b. Project location
c. Site plan
d. Building elevations
e. Proposed signage (if any)
f. Exterior lighting plan
g. Construction timing
h. Proposed methods for mitigating construction-related traffic impacts
i. Proposed methods for mitigating construction-related neighborhood impacts (noise, dust, traffic, parking, etc.)