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Water Resources

NNE Temporary On-Ground Wastewater System

We are building a temporary on-ground bypass piping network to transport wastewater from the broken line to the Plant without the use of tankers. This will enable us to capture just about 100% of all wastewater under most conditions while we continue to design and then implement a repair for the broken underwater pipe. Residents who live along this route will notice construction, increased noise and the delivery and storage of pipe and material. When constructed, this high density plastic pipe will traverse along the route see the current draft route  below via dashed line. See FAQ's below.

Here are some likely Frequently Asked Questions about this temporary piping network: 

  • How long will it take to construct? Our contractor will be building a mile long temporary on-ground piping network. It is currently anticipated that this work will , start at both North Plant and the “interception location” near the 127/Winooski Bridge, and working toward the middle. See the possible route at burlingtonvt.gov/water/winooskibreakjuly12. This route may change in some locations. 

  • What will the construction impacts be? You will notice temporary noise, increased truck traffic and construction workers building an on-ground pipe. Work hours are normally 7AM-5PM – though due to the urgency of this project, hours may start as early as 6:30 am earlier or extend later. There will be short term access (approximately 2 hours) interruptions to certain driveways. Our contractor will make contact in advance to advise directly impacted properties in advance of that interruption. 

  • How long will the construction last? We expect this to last anywhere from 10 days – 2 weeks, or more. This is not a common project and we are sure to encounter some unforeseen difficulties as we build this system. There will be some on-going noise near the pumping site (interception location).  At this point, we do not know how long this temporary system will be in place. 

  • Is this safe? Will wastewater leak? We are using high density plastic which can withstand the moderate force of intermittent wastewater flows. We will also be taking precautions and burying the pipe below grade at road crossings and driveways. This kind of work has been done elsewhere successfully. 

  • When will the underground pipe be fixed? We need to wait for river levels to recede, at which point we will have a diver inspect the pipe to help determine the proper fix. We don’t have an estimate on timing yet.  

  • Who do I call if I notice a problem with the temporary pipe? If you feel like it’s urgent, please call 802-863-4501 or emergency services. At this time, we would prefer general or non-urgent questions be directed to water-resources@burlingtonvt.gov