Human Resources

Health & Wellness Newsletters/Webinars

Our Cigna Medical Health Provider and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers new letters with guidance and tips on establishing and maintaining your health and well-being. 

Recognize & Elevate Wellness Newsletters

2023 Newsletters:

2024 Newsletters:

End-of-Year Wellness Recaps

Recognize & Elevate Wellness Newsletters

Cigna Newsletters

Knee pain tactics for your team

The side effects of social media

Reduce your debt and your stress

Healthier eating gets easier

The positive effect of pets

Help employees find the right health app

Better sleep = happier employees

The exercise effect

Cutting costs on health care bills

Fitness for a lifetime

Building Resilience 

EAP Newsletters

Cut Down on Sugar for a Healthier Workforce 

Change your Thoughts, Change your Mood 

Planning for the Unthinkable 

Preventing Workplace Bullying 

Building Your Support Teams

Email Etiquette at Work

Take a Break to Maximize your Creativity

The Juggle: Care Giving for Family While Holding Down a Job

Think Your Way Out of Stress

Cigna Webinars/Seminars

2022 Life Connected Seminars

Lunch & Learn: myCigna/Wellness Bonus Program Webinar

Prudential Pathways Financial Wellness Seminars 

Don't Try to Predict the Stock Market

Prudential Pathways 3-Part Series - Seminar 3

Prudential Pathways 3-Part Series - Seminar 2 

Prudential Pathways 3-Part Series - Seminar 1

Is Your Financial House in Order?

Student loans: How to pay off your debt

Budgeting & Building an Emergency Fund