
Operation Clean Sweep is Coming to Burlington, 4/28-5/6; Translated materials available below & on-line


For immediate release:

April 20, 2021


For more information, contact:

Robert Goulding, DPW Public Information Manager



Operation Clean Sweep is Coming to Burlington, 4/28-5/6

Sweeping is Vital to Lake Health

Translated materials available below & on-line


Burlington, VT – Public Works has announced the annual dates for comprehensive street sweeping in Burlington. Beginning April 28th and ending May 6th, sweeping will take place one “Zone” at a time. See the map below or visit to find your Zone. Translated material is available below.

While targeted sweeping operations start earlier in spring, it’s when pavement temperature are consistently warm where DPW can make a full citywide sweeping push. Street sweeping is vital to Lake health and our health. Sweeping picks up sediment and leafy debris which contains phosphorus and prevents it from entering the Lake where it can fuel cyanobacteria blooms. This keeps the roads safer by clearing them of debris and protects our homes and infrastructure by limiting flooding from clogged storm drains.

Public Works Requests Your Help

Sweeping typically happens between 10PM-7AM and DPW requires that you move your cars off-street, to another zone if nearby or to a City garage (free on your night of sweeping from 7PM - 9AM). Cars that are not moved from the street may be towed and/or receive a $125 ticket.

It is also important to note that you should not sweep debris out onto the street during Clean Sweep or any other time as this can be dangerous for cyclists or pedestrians. Yard debris like this can also be detrimental to the sweepers. We also ask that you move any basketball hoops, or other property, out of the street and off of the greenbelt.

If you believe your street was missed and it's in need of sweeping, please visit to make a Sweeping report. If you would prefer to call or for any other questions please call 802-863-9094 x3 between 7:00 am to 4:30 pm or email us at

Parking Details

  • Free parking is available from 7PM-9AM on your night of sweeping in the city-owned Marketplace Garage (47 S. Winooski: entrances on Cherry St & Bank St), College St Garage (60 College St: Entrances on College St & Battery St) and Lakeview Garage (41 Cherry St). For a map of these city-owned parking locations, please visit
  • Questions:
    • Parking enforcement, tickets, towing: Please call 802-540-2380 (parking services) or 802-658-2704 after-hours (non-emergency dispatch).
    • Sweeping or garage parking questions: Please call DPW at 802-863-9094 or enter your maintenance request at


Translations are available below and we encourage community members and members of the media to share broadly with our community.










When the overhead parking lights are on, parking is not allowed. This may apply either citywide or in your specific neighborhood. Look for the parking lights in your area.

  • Translation:  ခေါင်းပေါ်ထိုကားပါကင်မီးများဖွင့်သောအခါ၊ ယာဉ်ရပ်နားရန်ခွင့်မပြုပါ။    ဤသည်တစ်မြို့လုံးအနှံ့ သို့မဟုတ် သင်၏တိကျသော အိမ်နီးဝန်ကျင်အတွင်းတွင်ဖြစ်စေ သက်ရောက်နိုင်သည်။ သင်၏ ဧရိယာအတွင်းရှိ ကားရပ်နားရန်မီးအိမ်များကိုရှာဖွေပါ။ 


Free parking is available in city-owned garages starting at 7PM on the day of a parking ban. Cars must be removed by 9AM when the ban is over. If you arrive prior to 7PM or leave after 9AM, regular rates will apply to that time.

  • Translation:  ကားရပ်ရန်တားမြစ်သည့်နေ့တွင်  နာရီမှစတင်ကာ မြို့ပိုင်ကားဂိုဒေါင်များတွင်ကားပါကင်အခမဲ့ရရှိနိုင်သည်။ ပိတ်ပင်မှုပြီးဆုံးသွားသောအခါ မနက် နာရီတွင်ကားများကိုဖယ်ရှားရမည်။  အကယ်၍ သင်သည် နာရီ မတိုင်မီ သို့မဟုတ် မနက် နာရီ ပြီးနောက်ထွက်ခွာလျှင်၊ ကားပါကင် ပုံမှန်စျေးနှုန်းအတိုင်း ထိုအချိန်အတွက်သက်ရောက်လိမ့်မည်။


The following city-owned garages offer this free parking:

  • Translation: အောက်ပါမြို့ပိုင် ကားဂိုဒေါင်များက ဒီအခမဲ့ကားရပ်နားရန်နေရာ-
    • Marketplace Garage (47 S. Winooski: entrances on Cherry St & Bank St)
    • College St Garage (60 College St: entrances on College St and Battery St)
    • Lakeview Garage (45 Cherry St: entrance on Cherry St)
    • မါကတ်ဖလိပ်စ် ကားဂိုဒေါင် (၄၇ တောင် ဝင်နော်စကီ - ချယ်ရီလမ်း နှင့် ဘဏ်လမ်း တွင်ဝင်ပေါက်)
    • ကောလိပ်လမ်း ကားဂိုဒေါင် (၆ဝ ကောလိပ်လမ်း - ကောလိပ်လမ်း နှင့် ဘယ်ထရီလမ်း တွင်ဝင်ပေါက်
    • လိပ်ခ်ဗျူး ကားဂိုဒေါင် (၄၅ ချယ်ရီလမ်း - ချယ်ရီလမ်း တွင်ဝင်ပေါက်


You can call 802-863-9094 or email with any questions.

  • Translation: မည်သည့်မေးခွန်းများရှိပါက 802-863-9094 သို့ဖုန်းခေါ် ဆိုပါ သို့မဟုတ် dpw-pine သို့အီးမေးလ်ပို့နိုင်သည်။




When the overhead parking lights are on, parking is not allowed. This may apply either citywide or in your specific neighborhood. Look for the parking lights in your area.

  • Translation: Lorsque les feux de stationnement en hauteur sont allumés, le stationnement n'est pas autorisé.  Cela peut s'appliquer à l'ensemble de la ville ou dans votre quartier spécifique.  Recherchez les feux de stationnement dans votre région.

Free parking is available in city-owned garages starting at 7PM on the day of a parking ban. Cars must be removed by 9AM when the ban is over. If you arrive prior to 7PM or leave after 9AM, regular rates will apply to that time.

  • Translation: Un parking gratuit est disponible dans les garages de la ville à partir de 19 h 00 le jour d'une interdiction de stationnement.  Les voitures doivent être retirées avant 9 heures lorsque l'interdiction est terminée.  Si vous arrivez avant 19 h ou partez après 9 h, les tarifs normaux s'appliqueront à cette heure.

 The following city-owned garages offer this free parking:

  • Translation:Les garages municipaux suivants offrent ce parking gratuit:
    • Marketplace Garage (47 S. Winooski: entrées sur Cherry St et Bank St)
    • College St Garage (60 College St: entrées sur College St et Battery St)
    • Lakeview Garage (45 Cherry St: entrée sur Cherry St)

You can call 802-863-9094 or email with any questions.



नेपाली |/NEPALI


When the overhead parking lights are on, parking is not allowed. This may apply either citywide or in your specific neighborhood. Look for the parking lights in your area.

  • Translation: माथी रहेका पार्किंग बत्तीहरू बलेका बेला, पार्किंग निषेध छ। शहरभरी वा बिशेष तपाइँको आसपास यो लागू हुनेछ।तपाइँ को क्षेत्रमा रहेका पार्किंग बत्तीहरू हेर्नुहोस्।


Free parking is available in city-owned garages starting at 7PM on the day of a parking ban. Cars must be removed by 9AM when the ban is over. If you arrive prior to 7PM or leave after 9AM, regular rates will apply to that time.

  • Translation: पार्किंग निषेध रहेको दिन बेलुकी बजेदेखि शहर-स्वामित्वका गराजहरूमा  नि:शुल्क पार्किंग उपलब्ध छ।  निषेध सकिएपछी बिहान बजे भित्रमा गाडीहरू हटाईसक्नु पर्नेछ। यदि तपाइँ बजे अघि आउनुहुन्छ वा बजे पछि जानुहुन्छ भनेसो समयको नियमित दर लागू हूनेछ।


The following city-owned garages offer this free parking:

  • Translation: सो नि:शुल्क पार्किंग निम्न शहर-स्वामित्वका गराजहरूले प्रदान गर्नेछन्:
    • Marketplace Garage (47 S. Winooski: entrances on Cherry St & Bank St)
    • College St Garage (60 College St: entrances on College St and Battery St)
    • Lakeview Garage (45 Cherry St: entrance on Cherry St)


You can call 802-863-9094 or email with any questions.

  • Translation: प्रश्नहरू भएमा ८०२-८६३-९०९४ मा फोन गर्न वा मा ईमेल गर्न सक्नुहूनेछ।




When the overhead parking lights are on, parking is not allowed. This may apply either citywide or in your specific neighborhood. Look for the parking lights in your area.

  • Translation: Marka nalalka baabuurta la dhigto ee dusha sare ay daaran yihiin, baarkinka lama oggola.Tani waxay khuseysaa magaalada oo dhan ama xaafaddaada gaarka ah. Raadi nalalka baarkinka aaggaaga.

Free parking is available in city-owned garages starting at 7PM on the day of a parking ban. Cars must be removed by 9AM when the ban is over. If you arrive prior to 7PM or leave after 9AM, regular rates will apply to that time.

  • Translation: Baarkinka bilaashka ah ayaa laga heli karaa garaashyada magaalada ay leedahay laga bilaabo 7da habeenimo maalinta mamnuuca baarkinka. Baaburta waa in laga saaraa 9ka subaxnimo markay mamnuucidu dhammaato. Haddii aad timaadodo kahor 7da habeenimo ama aad baxdo wixii ka danbeeya 9ka subaxnimo, qiimaha caadiga ah ayaa lagugu dabaqi doonaa wakhtigaas.

The following city-owned garages offer this free parking:

  •  Translation:
    • Garaashyada soo socda ee magaalada laga leeyahay waxay bixinayaan baarkinkaan bilaashka ah:
      • Marketplace Garage (47 S. Winooski: laga soo galo Cherry St & Bank St)
      • College St Garage (60 College St: laga soo galo College St and Battery St)
      • Lakeview Garage (45 Cherry St: laga soo galo Cherry St)

You can call 802-863-9094 or email with any questions.


عند اضاءة المصابيح الإشارة العلوية، لا يسمح بالوقوف .وهذا ينطبق اما على مستوى مدينتك او منطقتك المحددة. ابحث عن مصابيح الإضاءة العلوية في منطقتك.

تتوفر  مواقف مجانية في المرائب المملوكة للمدينة بدءا  من الساعة السابعة مساءا 7pm في يوم حظر الوقوف للمركبات. يجب تحريك سيارتك عند الساعة التاسعة 9AM عندما ينتهي الحظر.  اذا وصلت قبل الساعة السابعة مساءا 7pm او غادرت بعد التاسعة 9AM سيتم تطبيق الأسعار العادية في ذلك الوقت.

توفر  المرائب التالية المملوكة للمدينة مواقف مجانية:

- marketplace garage ( 47 S. Winooski), المدخل على شارع (cherry st و  bank st)

- collage st garage ( 60 college st) المدخل على شارع collage و battery st.

- lakeview garage ( 45 cherry st ) المدخل على شارع cherry st.

•  يمكنك الاتصال بالرقم 9094-863-802 او إرسال بريد إلكتروني الي لطرح اَي أسئلة.







When the overhead parking lights are on, parking is not allowed. This may apply either citywide or in your specific neighborhood. Look for the parking lights in your area.

  • Translation: Wakati taa za kuegesha juu zinawashwa, maegesho hairuhusiwi.  Hii inaweza kutumika kwa jiji lote au katika eneo lako maalum.  Tafuta taa za maegesho katika eneo lako.

Free parking is available in city-owned garages starting at 7PM on the day of a parking ban. Cars must be removed by 9AM when the ban is over. If you arrive prior to 7PM or leave after 9AM, regular rates will apply to that time.

  • Translation: Maegesho ya bure yanapatikana katika gereji zinazomilikiwa na jiji kuanzia saa 7PM, siku ya marufuku ya maegesho.  Magari lazima yaondolewe saa 9AM wakati marufuku yameisha.  Ukifika kabla ya saa 7PM au ukiondoka baada ya 9 AM, viwango vya kawaida vitatumika kwa wakati huo.

The following city-owned garages offer this free parking:

  • Translation: Gareji zifuatazo zinazomilikiwa na jiji hutoa maegesho haya ya bure:
    • Marketplace Garage (47 S. Winooski: viingilio kwenye Cherry St na Bank St)
    • College St Garage (60 College St: viingilio kwenye College St na Battery St)
    • Lakeview Garage (45 Cherry St: kuingilia ku Cherry St)

You can call 802-863-9094 or email with any questions.

Press Release Date: 
City Department: 
Public Works Department